
Pdt Macron Pantgeon Newly French Citizenship (Source: ELysee)
At the occasion of the celebration fo the 150 anniversary of proclamation of the 3rd Republic, in rance, on September 4th in 1870, President Macron addressed a touching speech, at the Pantheon, before the very few guests, as well as the five new French citizens naturalized “Dear Matthew, Nora, Patricia, Catherine, Anna, the moment, I can measure it, for you, for your families, is both moving and solemn. "As well as the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin, Prefect de Police of Ile de France, Michel Cadot, Prefect of Paris, Francois Lallemant, the mayor of Paris 5th, Florence Berthout and a small select group of political journalists. "Mr. Prefect of Police, in your ranks and qualities, not only do you fulfill a dream of becoming French, but you do it in a special place, our Pantheon, where great women rest, the great men honored by our homeland , yours now. And what is more, this naturalization ceremony is held on the very day the Republic celebrates its anniversary. It was September 4, 1870. When the Empire had just been defeated in Sedan, a young deputy of 32 years, Leon Gambetta, answered the call of the people of Paris and proclaimed the Republic.
"Mr. Prefect of Police, in your ranks and qualities, not only do you fulfill a dream of becoming French, but you do it in a special place, our Pantheon, where great women rest, the great men honored by our homeland , yours now. And what is more, this naturalization ceremony is held on the very day the Republic celebrates its anniversary. It was September 4, 1870. When the Empire had just been defeated in Sedan, a young deputy of 32 years, Leon Gambetta, answered the call of the people of Paris and proclaimed the Republic from the balcony of the City Hall. Leon Gambetta, whose words we have just heard, was like you, a son of immigrants, recently naturalized, French of mixed blood. Yet it was he who resuscitated the Republic, this political regime of freedom on which we have lived for 150 years. Thus reminds President Macron of the innocence of today's commemoration of the proclamation of the third republic 150 years ago.
President Macron pays a strong tribute to Josephine Baker the great American star singer, dancer who came to settle in Paris for her Music Hall reviews, and sacrificed herself to France in the name of the liberation of France, during the second World War, as remnants of war under German occupation: “The country was about to break up. The Republic, once again, saved him. There are so many other Léon Gambetta, so many French figures, not by heritage, but by the battles waged, which have shaped our history. Marie Curie, was born and raised in Poland. She received 2 Nobel Prizes, made the choice to serve France in the trenches as a simple nurse before opening to women 2 doors that had until then been closed to them, that of the teaching chairs of the Sorbonne and the bronze doors of the Pantheon. Joséphine Baker, born American, chose France to make him shine with her talent and energy. She loved her adopted homeland to the point of risking her life for her by joining the resistance. "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron announced an upcoming national tribute to the Invalides to Gisele Halimi, a great lawyer defending the cause of women: “So many and so many destinies that have become French through their fight. Many other heroes, French by birth, sometimes born so far from the metropolis, carried our values “‹“‹so high and marked the building of our Republic. Félix EBOUÉ, descendant of slaves, responded to General de Gaulle's appeal on June 18. He was the first to plant the banner of Free France in Chad. Without this child of our Guyana who was to become a Companion of the Liberation and also rests in these places, the epic of the Free French Forces would not have been the same. How not to mention Gisèle HALIMI, who passed away this summer. From her dear Tunisia, to our National Assembly, courtrooms, hemicycles, pleadings in manifestos, the one who was born Zeiza TAÃEB, pleaded for the emancipation of peoples and made giant leaps to the cause of women. A national tribute will soon be paid to him in the courtyard of the Invalides. "
"THE REPUBLIC IS NEVER FOR GRANTED IT IS A CONQUEST ALWAYS TO BE RECONQUER" SAID PDT MACRON------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron recalls the names of great illustrious men and women, who are in the Pantheon and why they deserved to be there: “Leon Gambetta, Marie Curie, Félix Eboue, Joséphine Baker, Gisèle Halimi, so many examples, with d other figures, which we put in the spotlight on this day of life in the Republic. So many destinies including Matthew, Nora, Patricia, Catherine, Anna, you are today the legatees. Because it is now your turn, your turn alongside all the children of the Republic by birth, and so many others, beyond the diversity of your origins, you who come from the United Kingdom, d 'Algeria, Cameroon, Peru or Lebanon, describe your lives in the Republic. I'm not talking about shaping your personal existences. You all already have a job, often a family here, but to fully take on the clothes of a French citizen, by lifting yourself beyond yourself.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Becoming French is in fact accepting to be more than an individual pursuing his own interests, a citizen who contributes to the common good, demonstrates responsibility towards his compatriots, who cultivates a very republican virtue, duties and rights. But always homework first. Becoming French means having anchored in oneself the awareness that because the Republic is always fragile, always precarious, it must be a fight of each dawn, a conquest of each day, a republican patriotism of each moment. The Republic is not given, never acquired, and I say it here also for our young people. It is a conquest. It is always to be protected or reconquered. » President Macron aknowledged
President Macron, first of all, thus declined the first essential French pillar, freedom, which is dear to the French and to Emmanuel Macron, whether it is an individual freedom, that freedom of expression, linked to the notion of secularism : “Freedom first. "Liberty, freedom, darling" sings La Marseillaise. To be French is first of all to passionately love freedom. DE GAULLE spoke of the 20 times secular pact between France and the freedom of the world. From today, you are bound by this pact. Freedom in our Republic is a block. It is the freedom to participate in the choice of its leaders and therefore the right to vote, but which is inseparable from submission to the verdict of the ballot box, to the collective freedom of the people. It is freedom of conscience, and in particular secularism, this unique regime in the world which guarantees the freedom to believe or not to believe, but which is inseparable from a freedom of expression going as far as the right. to blasphemy. And I say this as the trial of the January 2015 attacks opens. To be French is to defend the right to make people laugh, the freedom to mock, to mock, to caricature, which Voltaire maintained that she was the source of all others. To be French is to always be on the side of the freedom fighters. And even more so when renunciations flourish, when censorship progresses. Said President Macron.
President Macron thus declines the second French pillar, Equality which comes in second position after Liberté Egalité, including the whole world and the French themselves, and dear to Emmanuel Macron, whose slogan was his presidential campaign in 2017: “Equality. To be French is to recognize the same dignity in each woman, in each man. To be French is to love justice. Abolition of privileges and Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen in 1789, universal male suffrage and abolition of slavery by Schoelcher in 1848, women's right to vote in 1944, lowering of the majority to 18 years in 1974, abolition of the death penalty in 1981. You are part of a beautiful and great history, that of the progress of equal rights. You are also the continuers of a still unfinished march towards concrete and effective equality. Charles Peguy, Jean Jaures, Leon Blum, Pierre Mendes France have carried high the Social Republic, this simple idea at bottom: every citizen, whatever the place where he lives, the environment from which he comes, must be able to build his life by his work, by its merit. We are still far, too far from this ideal. How many more children in France are discriminated against for their skin color, their name? How many doors closed to young women, young men, because they did not have the right codes, were not born in the right place? Equality of opportunity is not yet effective today in our Republic. This is why it is more than ever a priority for this five-year period. "Explains President Macron announcing that results will be communicated in a few weeks on equal opportunities in France:" We will go further, stronger in the coming weeks so that the republican promise is kept in the concrete of lives. But equality, too, is a block, duties and rights. Equality before the law thus implies that the laws of the Republic are always superior to the particular rules. This is why there will never be a place in France for those who, often in the name of a God, sometimes with the help of foreign powers, intend to impose the law of a group. No, the Republic, because it is indivisible, does not admit any separatist adventure. To this end, a bill to fight separatism will be introduced this fall. "Thus clarified President Macron with regard to the next law against separatism, which is due for next fall"
President Macron thus declines the third French pillar, the Fraternite, which comes in third position after Liberté Egalité, with which the whole world and the French themselves, identify themselves as soon as it is about France and its universal values. and identity: “Fraternity. To be French is to see in your compatriot more than a similar one, a challenge. Our nation is unique in that it has developed a welfare state, a model of social protection that leaves no one by the wayside. However, this unique system in the world is held only by the ever fragile bonds that unite our fellow citizens, bonds of respect and civility that at any time, violence and hatred can break. This is why in the Republic, the police officers, the gendarmes, the magistrates, the mayors, the elected representatives of the Republic, more generally, all those who fight against violence, against racism and anti-Semitism play a role. decisive role, and that, by symmetry, those who attack them must be heavily condemned. Force to the law, never to arbitrariness. Those who attack the police, elected officials will not pass. Links of solidarity and commitment. Our welfare state has once again shown during the pandemic that we have just gone through “
President Macron insisted on the unique character of the French Republic, and of "Our welfare state" in the face of CIVID-19 "once again shown during the pandemic that we have just gone through its strength by accompanying every French and we will remember for a long time the courage of our caregivers, the dedication of volunteers, the mutual aid between neighbors which allowed us to face the height of the crisis. But again, the brotherhood is a block. It can only live and last if each recognizes the other as worthy of being helped, accompanied. It relies on each citizen too, and not simply on a state which would grant rights. This is why the sharing of a common is decisive and I can indeed make sacrifices for my compatriots only if I feel bound to them not only by a social contract, but by references, a culture, a common history. , common values, a common destiny in which we are committed. This is the Republic. "Thus reminded President Macron."
President Macron, quotes the writers, Bloch and Camus: “France, wrote Marc Bloch, is the homeland from which I cannot uproot my heart. I drank from the sources of its culture. I made his past mine. I only breathe well under her sky and I in turn tried to defend her as best I could “. This is all of entering the French Republic. To love our landscapes, our history, our culture as a whole, always. The Coronation of Reims and the Fête de la Fédération, this is why the Republic does not debunk statues, does not simply choose a part of its history, because we never choose a part of France, we choose France. The Republic begins, as you have understood, long before the Republic itself, because its values “‹“‹are rooted in our history. And to become French is to embrace it as a whole and it is also to espouse a language that does not stop at our borders, you know it perfectly, but which was also one of the foundations of our nation".----------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron during his speech, insists on the patriotic character and quotes the great corners of the republic which are in the Pantheon: "My homeland is the French language", wrote Albert Camus. Mastering French of course makes it possible to communicate, to exchange with fellow countrymen, to understand our law, and that is why the language is a prerequisite for accessing nationality. But mastering French is a passport to a culture, an incomparable history with the dimensions of 5 continents. It is to access the imagination of Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Emile Zola , Andre Malraux, Aime Cesaire, all honored here at the Pantheon. It is to accompany the characters of Francois Mauriac, who died 50 years ago, of all these writers whose greatness honors not only the French spirit but the universal genius. To master our language is even more to touch the soul of the nation, a form of eternal French. France is indeed one of the few countries which, with the Villers-Cotterêts ordinance of 1539, was created, generated by its language. Our language has forged our relationship to freedom, to the universal. The Abbe Gregoire, who also rests here, did he not say that French is the idiom of freedom? Our language is the cradle of the Republic, long before it was proclaimed by the Convention members of 1792, because the Republic was already taking shape in the texts of BODIN during the Renaissance. It asserts itself in Nicolas de Condorcet and Jean Jacques Rousseau and all the thinkers of the Enlightenment. Our language is what holds our people, our history. This is what makes Charles Peguy able to proclaim: "the Republic, our kingdom of France". In France, decidedly, it all starts with words. thus recalls the President of the Republic Macron, historical facts
President Macron insists on the role of transmission from one generation to another: "The Republic is a transmission. The Republic is a will never completed, always to be reconquered. And if it has held up since the Revolution, it is because among those who dreamed of it, those who made it happen, those who sometimes defended it in the most tragic hours of our history, those who 'have renewed in the European project, between all these women and all these men a scene of times has been created that has spanned the centuries. And on this anniversary day, it is not so much joy that dominates, I must admit, as a form of lucid gravity, in the face of the threats that weigh over it. »Explained President Macron, about the birth of the 3rd Republic, following the French Revolution, which took place in 1789, and whose proclamation the 3rd Republic took place on September 4, 1870, by Leon Gambetta.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The President of the Fifth Republic, Emmanuel Macron then addresses the five new French citizens by naturalization, encouraging them towards this new Republican path of citizenship; “So Matthew, Nora, Patricia, Catherine, Anna, it's up to you today to take up the torch with many others, to bring the Republican promise to life in these storms of time. Take up the torch and entrust it to our youth, represented by college students who surround us this morning. Our youth, which must continue to keep this taste for republican rites, for universal national service, many other institutions contribute to it. Our republican school, we have the mission, and our teachers, continue to carry the requirement. Our youth of France to whom I wish to love the Republic with a passion that is still intact. Don't think these are just words, it's a big deal. These are the fates. I only spoke of a few. Love her with an ever-renewed passion because measure every day that it is she who allows you to be free citizens, it is she who made you born free, who allows you to learn, to be raised in freedom, to judge, to know, to build your life freely. It is not given everywhere. It has not always been given. "--------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron then adds: “Each time the flag falls, it will have to be raised. Whenever some threaten her, she must be defended. Because others before you have defended it. So let us all be gathered, you who have just joined the national community, you who were born there and who grow up there, and all the children of the Republic. "Recalled, the President of the Republic about the dignity of being French and of passing the torch on to new chicks, once one becomes French by naturalization.
President Macron finally explained the importance of the value of French citizenship of the Republic: “Being French is never just an identity. It is citizenship. These are rights that go with it. These are also its duties, that is to say adherence to its values, to a history, to a language, to a requirement that holds the Republic upright, because it depends on each and every one of us at each instant. It is a fight every day started again. So, together, let us form this united France which can conquer everything. And because, with their strength of soul, some now join the Republic and you will have to take up the torch.---------------------
So with confidence, yes, we can continue to say for a long time: “Long live the Republic! Long live France ! "Thus ended President Macron his speech, short and incisive about the value of French citizenship vis-Ã -vis the Republic, currently the fifth by recalling the Rights and duties and the hope of equal opportunities.../
President Macron Pantheon Legendary Anniversary 3rd Republic Citizenship Josephine Baker Gisele Halimi Icons Rahma Sophia Rachdi Jedi Foster
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